Our entire approach to test prep is guided by one question: What will you need to get where want to go? Not sure which test is the right test for you? We offer practice tests every week -- actual exams published by the College Board and ACT -- so you can see for yourself which one is the best fit. Great on math, but not on verbal? Need help on both? Dread the science section? Anxious or careless test-taker? We’ve seen it all, and we’ll make sure we provide the sustained and focused attention necessary to put you in the best possible position to succeed.
College admissions exams prove challenging because their standardized nature means there is a gap between the design of the test and what you do in you everyday academic life. Much of what you have to do on these tests looks nothing like what you do in high school courses on the same subjects. This insight has helped us design a strategy curriculum based on thousands of hours of one-on-one work; sitting across desks and tables from kids just like you, learning what works and what doesn’t. And we combine our strategies with ample practice opportunity on real exam materials made available by ACT.
One-on-One Private Tutoring
Our tutors will work with you through our strategy curriculum while getting to know you as a test-taker. They will get to know your strengths and weaknesses and test-taking habits and will be able to refine sessions to your needs.
We tutor where and when it’s convenient for you – in our office or in your home!
No need to commit to a certain number of sessions or schedule. Most students find they get the best results by starting test prep 10-12 weeks before the test and working a combined 3 - 4 hours a week (tutoring and homework.)
Free Practice Tests
Practice makes perfect! We offer free practice tests every Sunday Register today and make sure there will be no surprises on test day!
Complimentary Consultation
Not sure what is the right approach? We would be happy to sit down and talk through the options and provide an overview of the tests.
Call or email Sharman Bonus at 415.250.1963 or sharmanb@breakawayprep-marin. Or contact us through the form on the right and we will respond within 24 hours.